Terni Carcano Serial Numbers

Posted : admin On 4/4/2019

Italian serial numbers marking system. THE ORIGINAL LIST of serial numbers of 700 Carcano Italian carbines. Guns marked Terni. Mar 1, 2018 - Feb 26, 2008 6.5mm Carcano Identification. The markings on it are RE Terni with the crown symbol. Also the serial number on the. Strange that. Carcano, what do I have? The top of the flat says TERNI, The right says 1930 VIII. The left flat says G5 243 (serial number?


The model nomenclature and identification of the various Carcano rifles and carbines varies wildly and confusingly in both Italian and foreign literature. While it may be preferable, in the long run, to stay with the 'official' Italian army nomenclature, it is not always clear itself and often too ambiguous.
  1. first by their phenotype, that is either long rifle, short rifle, cavalry carbine, or special troops' carbine.
  2. second by their model/sub-model number, e.g. M91, M91/41 (the two long rifles), M91 TS, M91/24 TS, M91/38 TS (all these are full-stocked special troops' carbines)
  3. third by their caliber, id est 6,5 mm or 7,35 mm.
  4. While an argument could be brought forth that it be sufficient to use the model number alone to also identify the caliber, this is very obscure even for the specialist, much more so for the non-initiated everyday reader.
    Here is an example: stating 'I have a Carcano Moschetto TS Mod. 38 in 7,35 mms for sale' is a lot for clearer than just calling it a ' Carcano Model 38' and letting the reader wonder what it might turn out to be in the end (a short rifle ? a cavalry carbine ? a special troops' carbine ?).

An interesting other 'Carcano' model, in the wider sense, is the Tipo I, which was produced 1938/39 on foreign contract for use by the Japanese as part of Axis mutual aid pacts, and which is chambered for the 6,5x50 R Japanese. Unlike the other Carcani, which have a 6 round charger-clip magazine, the Tipo I, has a 5 round box magazine (for stripper clips). Stocks and sights also differ from the Italian type in that they closely resemble the Japanese Type 38 Arisaka long rifle from 1905.


In addition to the basic models, there are sub-models identified by the year when revisions to the basic model were introduced. For example, the M91/24 T.S. is a rework begun in 1924, converting the M91 Fucile to T.S. specification. The M91/28 (special troops' carbine) and M91/41 (long ifle) are sub-models were introduced in 1928 and 1941, respectively. A slight exception to this rule is the - already mentioned - M91/38 which was actually introduced in 1940. The M91/38 derived it nomenclature from it being a M38 chambered in 6,5x52 Carcano, instead of the originally intended 7,35x51 Carcano. M91/38's are often also referred to as 'M38 in 6,5x52 Carcano'. Incidentally, there is no evidence to support the often-read and repeated rumour that any M38's were converted from 7,35x51 Carcano to 6,5x52 Carcano (by changing the barrel), according to Hobbs. But a number of M 38 guns in 7,35 mms were made using older 6,5 mms barrels and receivers, the markings of which may still be found partially visible e.g. on the barrel base.
Regardless of the formal distinction which we undertook above, it is common to find the sub-models being referred to as models (i.e. M91/28 as M28; M91/41 as M41). Just keep this in mind when interpreting a reference.

Variants or Types

From these basic nominal 'models', several discernible variants existed: the Fucile, Fucile Corto, Moschetto Cavalleria (Cav.) and the Moschetto Truppe Speciali (T.S.).
These are the denominations most helpful for you, and which Alexander Eichener had also called 'phenotypes' because they are immediately recognizable at sight.

Fucile (Long rifle):
Two long rifles exist, namely the M91 and the M91/41 (the preceding M 91/40 was a long trial rifle which was never distributed at large). They are distinguished in the following ways:
- Length
- Rear sight blades: M 91 graduated from 600 metres to 2000 metres, M 91/41 from 300 metres to 1000 metres
- Sling bars and swivels: only at the bottom for the M91, whereas the M91/41 also has side bars. A few M 91/41 may have their bottom swivels milled off after production.
- Buttplate: the M91/41 buttplate is slightly flatter and curves around the upper side of the buttstock, so the upper screw enters from above, vertically.

Fucile corto (Short rifle):
They exist in 7,35 mms (Mod. 1938 or 38) and in 6,5 mms (Mod. 91/38). Identical except for caliber and sight zeroing distance (7,35 mms at 300 metres, 6,5 mms at 200 metres). Only the very first M1938 short rifles initially had a different handguard and nosecap and no second barrel band (and these are not 'prototypes', as Richard Hobbs incorrectly named them, but regular production). Upon negative reports from the troops, these features were changed, and the old style rifles were almost all retroconverted to the later (common) standard, by exchanging the handguard and nosecap and re-milling the stock's front end to accomodate the new nosecap.
The Short Rifle is often confused with the Moschetto TS. Beware. See the explanation later on this page for a listing of the differences.

Moschetto TS
A short carbine, stocked almost to the muzzle, with a bayonet lug and a handguard. Comes as M91 (in various modifications), M91/24, M91/28, M38, M38 S (in 7.9/7.92/8mm Mauser) and M91/38.

Moschetto per Cavalleria
A half-stocked cavalry carbine, with the unmistakable triangular folding bayonet; it is fixed to a permanent muzzle mounting, but hinges back under the stock, into a slot there. Not infrequently the bayonet is missing. Exists as M91, M38, M 38 S, M91/38. One manufacturer, FNA Brescia, continued its previous M91 pattern throughout the Second World War and never made a M91/38 with fixed sights. Please note that the round barrel base (instead of the old half-octagonal configuration with five facets on the upper side and a round base) was already introduced way before 1938 for the last M91 carbines and is not a sign for a M91/38 model in and by itself.

How to distinguish a Short Rifle and a Moschetto TS:

  • The Short Rifle has a gripping groove milled into each side of the wooden forearm; the Moschetto TS not.
  • The Short Rifle has a buttplate with a small (hard-to-pry-open) trapdoor for its three-piece cleaning rod; the Moschetto TS has its rod right under the barrel, screwed into a channel like the Fucile 91.
  • The Short Rifle is xxx cms (40 inches) long, the Moschetto TS only xx cms (36 inches).

How to distinguish the manifold Moschetto TS sub-variants:
Have you ever taken a broom and begon to sweep the forest ? *Sigh* The Moschetto TS underwent constant minor modifications and alterations like no other Carcano, and I find it very difficult to gain an overview. Collectors hould keep in mind that these were all undertaken man mano, that is, successively as soon as a gun would have to be repaired and came back to the arsenal. Many different stages and variants thus co-existed at the same time and to speak of 'introduction times' would mislead the reader. The changes mainly involve the following parts:

  • bayonet lug on original nose cap altered from transversal TS shape to usual straight fucile shape
  • handguard retainer hook added to nosecap; handguard accordingly loses its retaining inner front metal lip, like the fucile's handguard did earlier
  • additional side sling swivel mounted into the forearm
  • long curved nose cap exchanged to short fucile style
  • second barrel band added (fucile style)
  • side sling swivel added onto the fucile style barrel band.

There are other Carcano variants, but these tend to be extremely rare or conversions of other types. For example, there are the Guardie del Re (King's Guard) and Moschettieri del Duce (Mussolini's Guard) variants, both of which are rare, and are distinguished by the coloring (gilded ornamentation and black stock, respectively), and non-standard stock/bayonet treatments.

One conversion is the Tromboni Launchi Bombe (aka Troboncino Launcia Bombe), the Grenade Launcher variants of the M91/28 T.S., M38 T.S. and M38 Cav. The Tromboni Launchi Bombe is permanently attached to the right side of the gun. Guns with the Tromboni removed should have a small notch cut on the top of the chamber end of the barrel and the right side of the stock inletted. 1943 saw the introduction of a German style grenade launcher that fit underneath the barrel of the M91, M91/41 and T.S.'s.

There are also late war official German 8x57 IS conversions, undertaken as an emergency measure for the Volkssturm in both magazine and single-shot configurations (Heinrich Krieghoff branch factory in Tyrol). These are very rare, and must not be confused by the much more commonly offered following variant:
Some Moschetti TS M38 were chambered for the 7,92x57 Mauser (aka 7,9x57 Mauser; 8 x 57 IS; 8mm Mauser). We call them 'M38 S' here, because they usually bear a large 'S' mark on the receiver, and often also on the bolt handle; their receiver breech end has a half-moon cut to accomodate for the longer 8 x 57 IS cartridges (just as with the Norvegian Kar 98k converted to .30-06, and the Turkish M 1903/38 conversions).
Richard Hobbs thinks, based on an oblique and unclear remark in Italian army supply documents, that these guns were intended for Italian troops operating on the Russian front, and he thus calls this sub-model the Moschetto M38 TS Russi (Russian); but this appears to be a naming after the fact (unless further Italian sources be discovered). Others disagree, based e.g. on the argument that the term 'Fucili Russi 8mm' could as well and even more literally refer to two not uncommon RUSSIAN World War I bounty weapons: to the Austrian-captured Mosin-Nagants converted to 8 x 50 R Steyr and to the German-captured Mosin-Nagants converted to 8 x 57 IS. Besides, the Italian armed forces had enormous stocks of original Austrian M1895 rifles and carbines, and also used them in WW II. These critics identify those Moschetti either as post-war conversions done for Egypt, some of which were captured by Israel, or as direct war aid deliveries to Israel.
The most likely conclusion is therefore that at least two, maybe three different Carcano types in 8x57 IS exist; their history still remains somewhat unclear until now.

For those of you who are challenged by the Italian language, the table below is a translation of the model/variant nomenclature:

Short Rifle
Cavalry Carbine
Special Troop Carbine
Type I
  • 6,5x52 Carcano (M91's, and the submodels M91/24, M91/28, M91/38, M91/41))
  • 7,35x51 Carcano (M38 only)
  • 7,92x57 IS Mauser (M38 S and German Army Conversions)
  • 6,5x50 Japanese (Tipo I only)
  • 6,5x54 MS Greek (Austrian rechambered WW I capture guns)
  • The caliber of a Carcano, actually just the bore diameter, can be found imprinted either on the Mod. 38 and Mod. 91/38 fixed rear sight, or as a later proof mark on the barrel's muzzle end (United Kingdom proof) or breech end (German proof). In the case of 7,35x51 Carcano chambered guns, the left side of the buttstock should also be imprinted with a large-lettered 'CAL. 7,35', unless the gun has been re-fitted with a M91/38 stock.


    The Italian government sought to produce their guns entirely within Italy. Various manufacturers had produced Carcani since 1892, most guns having been manufactured in the Terni and Brescia Arsenals, with other manufacturers coming and going over the years depending on demand. Some may one have been final assembly plants of subcontracted parts made elsewhere. The 'manufacturer' of each gun imprinted their identifying name or logo on the chamber end of the barrel.

    In addition to the manufacturer's identifying logo, the year of production (up until mid-1943) and the serial number should be imprinted on the chamber end of the barrel. The year of production is typically a 2 to 4 digit number indicating the year. For example a gun manufactured in 1918 may have a shortened year such as '918' or '18' imprinted. In addition to the A.D. Christian year, there is from 1929 until 1943, the year of the Fascist Era (which was counted from the March on Rome in autumn 1922) also stamped in Roman numerals on most barrels. Since Fascist year and common era year are not identical (just like secular and liturgical year diverge from each other), this allows to identify whether a gun was produced before or after the anniversary day of the March on Rome in a given year.
    Typical serial numbers of Carcani consist of either 1 or 2 letters followed by 4 numbers. Guns produced at Roma in late World War I often have a 'OR-' prefix before their whole serial number. Some guns with a number only also exist.

    The Model 91/24 T.S.'s, being shortened long rifles, should bear their original manufacturer markings and an additional small oval rework marking on top of the barrel breech, indicating the reworking arsenal (mostly if not always it's FARE TERNI and the last two digits of the year).

    Below is a table of manufacturers showing the production years for the models and variants.











    Other Markings/Features

    Other markings and features you may find on a Carcano are:
    • Tiro a Segno Nazionale (Two crossed rifles superimposing a bullseye target stamped on barrel or stock).
      The significance of this oft-encountered mark is still not totally cleared up. It is quite certain, however, that this was neither a unit mark denoting actual sniper usage, nor a sign for 'prize guns' in shooting competitions (as was the case with some Fucili Vetterli M 1870, which were not serial numbered, bore the same sign, and were given as prizes to the winners - thence the tradition is derived). Nor can one assume that all those many rifles (and cavalry carbines) were used by sharpshooters; rather, they may have been the pool from which proper snipers (tiratori scelti), as well as any unit's 'good shots' could select their guns.
      Rather than actual usage, the 'two stylized crossed rifles' indicate that these guns were by the selected by the factories right after production, though I am not sure whether the grading was based just on barrel diameter gauging, or on the results of test shooting showing superior accuracy. Such a sign can be found on all models, also on short rifes, cavalry carbines and special troops' carbines. Incidentally, many guns with this sign have rather used or bad barrels now, and thus are not worth more. The stamping is, in my experience, more common than some think: I would say between 5 % and 10 % of the guns bore it.
    • Dual Target Triggers.
      Some guns produced for competition have dual set triggers.
    • Regia Aeronautica (Letters 'RA' stamped).
      These guns were issued to the Italian Royal Air Force.
    • San Marco (An anchor stamp).
      These guns were issued to the San Marco Marines or to the 'San Marco' RSI infantry division (post-1943).
    • Finnish Army (Letters 'SA' in box, meaning 'Suomen Armeija').
      M38 short rifles given to the Finns as war aid for use against the Russians have this stamp. In addition, the front sights have received higher blades to provide for a zeroing distance of only 150 m.
    • 'Large S' on 7.92x57 IS Mauser caliber gun.
      Mauser caliber guns required slight reworking of the bolt and receiver to accept the 8 x 57 IS Mauser round, and are stamped as such.
    • German WaA Markings.
      Guns used by the Wehrmacht and the Volkssturm may have these armed forces WaA acceptance markings and/or military proof marks.
    • Bavaria Police; Bavaria Rural Police.
      The Bavaria Police used M91/24's after WWII as carbines.
    • Heinrich Krieghoff (Letters 'HK' in circle - 8mm conversion).
      Guns reworked to accept the 7.92x57IS Mauser round. These guns were either repeaters or single shot and have original serial numbers crossed out and new numbers that start with 'H'.
    • Star of David and/or 'zahal' mark.
      After the establishment of the Israeli state, the Israelis used any guns they could procure somehow. Some M38 in 8x57 IS found their way to Israel and are mark with the Star of David and the Israeli armed forces mark ('zahal').
    • Tubato (Tubular rifling insert).
      In the 1920's some guns were reworked via the Salerno method by boring out the worn barrel and inserting a rifled, tubular barrel liner. These guns are marked Tubato, letters running in a 'U' shape on the middle barrel facet, and may bear the additional date of the rework. The Finnish used the same method not much later for some of their Mosin-Nagants.


    The primary distinction between the models/sub-models/variants is made by the year of manufacture (indicated on the barrel up to roughly mid-1943), length, and the bayonet mounting. The table below shows the specifications for the models/sub-models/variants:Model
    Caliber (mm)Twist TypeSights (m)WeightLength (cm)Bayonet
    6.5x52 Carcano450-2000
    6.5x52 Carcano450-1500
    6.5x52 Carcano450-1500
    6.5x52 Carcano450-1500
    6.5x52 Carcano450-1500
    7.35x51 Carcano
    7.35x51 Carcano
    7.35x51 Carcano
    6.5x52 Carcano
    6.5x52 Carcano450-150020044.6Attached/Folding
    6.5x52 Carcano
    6.5x52 Carcano300-1000
    8x57 IS Mauser
    8x57 IS Mauser
    6.5x50 Japanese400-2400
    78.1Detachable Arisaka bayonet
    Special thanks to Richard J. Hobbs for specifications and manufacture years.

    Terni Government Armory

    Terni Carcano Rifle Serial Numbers

    Here is a normal M.91TS carbine made in 1940 (XIX year of Fascist Era).

    Modified in 1945 by HK (Heinrich Krieghof) to fire the German 8x57 JS ammo as an 'ersatz' (emergency) rifle.

    You can see the modified breech to accept the longer (than Italian 6,5x52) ammo marked 'S' for Spitzer (Pointed).

    On the rear sight base is stamped the new calibre '7,92' but retains the others original Italian markings (RE Terni).

    Terni Carcano Serial Numbers

    The regular feed is obtained by a modified clip for five 8 Mauser ammo instead of six 6,5 Carcano ammo.

    The clip retainer is slightly modified, as the bolt head to accept the larger cartridge case.

    The stock is reinforced by two large cross pins.

    It is not enjoying to fire this carbine as the recoil is like a mule kick.

    This one by Government Armory in Terni.

    Carcano was made both by private and governement factories.

    Main Private Factories:

    Beretta - Brescia

    Armaguerra - Cremona

    FNA - Brescia


    Graziani - Verona

    Franchi - Brescia

    Government Armories:


    Torre Annunziata (near Napoli)



