Hetzner Installing Windows

Posted : admin On 4/21/2019

The Windows Server operating system is supported on our Self-Managed servers, with additional license fees required. Windows Server licenses are available on a month-to-month basis.


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Quick install:
AppServ can be obtained from http://www.appservnetwork.com
AppServ is a complete package of Apache, MySQL and PHP and includes
everything required by IPplan to run on a Windows platform. If you use
AppServ, you do not need ODBC.
The latest version of AppServ tested was 2.4.2 - AppServ had some issues
with IPplan. Wampserver was tested too and IPplan had no issues with
Wampserver (see http://www.wampserver.com/en/index.php) - version 1.3.2
was used. Wampserver works very similar to AppServ - just change the
directories below accordingly.
Here is a thread that may help with an AppServ installation:
If you want to view or edit any of the files under Windows, use WordPad,
not NotePad as NotePad does not understand Unix files.
NOTE: if upgrading, read the UPGRADE file.
NOTE2: if you get a fatal error about an undefined database function, read
the FAQ section in the README
I assume a working installation of MySQL 3.23.15 or higher and php 4.1
using AppServ.
To get multilingual support (languages other than English), you will
need to follow the steps later in this document.
In your web tree (normally c:appservwww),
1) create a directory called ipplan
2) unzip IPplan into this directory
3) create the database and tables by issuing the following at the
DOS command prompt for the default MyISAM table type:
[NOTE: You may need to modify c:windowsmy.ini and comment out the line
under the [client] section called default-character-set with a #
as this caused an error when running mysqladmin on my machine]
[NOTE: user is the master user you created when you installed AppServ
- the default master user for MYSQL is root, replace the references
to user below with the correct one for your installation]
appservmysqlbinmysqladmin -p -u user create ipplan
4) add a database user for ipplan using appservmysqlbinmysql -p -u user
TO ipplan@localhost IDENTIFIED by 'password';
Change the above password to whatever you wish
NOTE: The default installation of AppServ does not have secure
database permissions for default MySQL users. Make sure you fix
this in your install as anybody can access your system.
NOTE: You may get errors about password compatibility with later
versions of AppServ when running the IPplan install script. If you
do, you may need to issue the following on a MySQL prompt:
set password for 'ipplan'@'localhost' = old_password('password');
Replace password with the password you want to use for your database
5) modify the user and password info in the config.php script.
additional settings can be changed in the config.php script at this
stage too. See the README for more information.
if you are using InnoDB transaction safe tables, make sure to enable
transaction support in config.php
6) open a web browser and point it to the installation script in the
admin directory (http://mywebserver.com/ipplan/admin/install.php)
you will be prompted to create the database schema. The user created
above does not have enough rights to create tables so you will need
to either copy the statements into the database, or temporarily change
the database password in the config.php file to a database user that has
enough rights to do this.
you can manually load the statements by copying the display output
from the install.php script into a file (example ipplandbf.sql)
and then executing the file by logining in as the newly created user using
mysql and issue:
appservmysqlbinmysql -p -u user ipplan < ipplandbf.sql
7) now point your web browser to the main IPplan web page
(http://mywebserver.com/ipplan), select the admin drop down menu and add
customers, groups and users using the admin user defined in the config.php
file - you MUST create at least one regular user, one group and one customer
8) send me an e-mail about how you use IPplan!
If you have any problems, you can look in the apservapachelogs directory
Enabling multilingual support:
From the php manual
Note to Win32 Users: In order to enable this module on a Windows environment,
you must copy gnu_gettext.dll from the DLL folder of the PHP/Win32 binary
package to the SYSTEM32 folder of your windows machine. (Ex: C:WINNTSYSTEM32 or C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32). Starting with PHP 4.2.3 the name changed to
libintl-1.dll, this requires also iconv.dll to be copied.
To do this, follow the instructions for installing php from http://www.php.net.
Search for gettext on the above site.
To activate gettext on Appserv or Wamp it may be as simple as uncommenting the
following line (or something similar) in the c:wampapachephp.ini file:
You will need to restart Apache after this change.
To check if gettext is enabled in php, execute this simple php script:
If your language is not currently available, feel free to follow the
instructions in the TRANSLATIONS file and do your own.
Hope it works!
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  • 3OS Choices
  • 4Variables
  • 7Frequently Asked Questions

installimage Script

The installimage script provided by Hetzner offers an easy and fast method of installing various Linux distributions.

Installimage can be run directly from the Rescue System on your server. It offers a menu driven interface where you can select a Linux distribution of your choice. You have full control over the partitioning of your drive(s) and can activate the use of sofware RAID as well as LVM using a simple editor.

Running installimage

To use installimage you first need to activate and then boot into the Rescue System.

Once logged into the Rescue System as 'root' using the password displayed in the Robot, type 'installimage' to start the installimage script:

The following menu will be shown:

After choosing an image, you will receive a note that the editor will be started, which opens the configuration file.

Midnight Commander ('mcedit') is used as editor.

OS Choices

We offer a number of standard images that you can use. These are typically the latest version of the particular distribution.

Advanced users can also install older versions of these distributions, by going to the 'old_images' folder. Please note that we don't offer any support for these older images.

In addition, advanced users can also create their own OS images and install them. Please check the guide on how to install your own OS images for information on how this is possible and for a list of the requirements.


If installimage finds an /autosetup file in the Rescue System, it will automatically use this as the configuration file. No menu and no editor are displayed unless there are errors in the file.


The following variables can be adjusted to customize the installation.


The drives that are present in the server are identified in the first row with the variable DRIVE. Above each line you can see the type of drive.

Here you can select on which drives you want the OS to be installed. The drives will be completely wiped, and all data currently on them will be lost.

If you want to leave a drive in its current state and not make any changes to it you can leave it out (remove it) by placing a '#' before it. Please note that doing so means that the number after the next DRIVE variable must be properly adjusted.



When the server has multiple drives the variables 'SWRAID' and 'SWRAIDLEVEL' can be used to create different software RAID levels. Any software RAID levels are always applied to all (marked with DRIVE, as discussed above) drives. If you don't want a software RAID on a particular drive, you'll need to remove it accordingly.

The script can create software RAID with levels 0, 1, 5, 6 or 10.


Hetzner Install Windows 10

The bootloader Grub is pre-configured (in the past we also offered Lilo). Depending on the operating system GRUB2 or GRUB1 (legacy Grub) is installed.


The variable 'HOSTNAME' sets the corresponding host name in the system.

Partitions / File systems

The installimage also supports the adjustment of the partitioning scheme (including the use of LVM). The designated syntax can be found in the examples in the editor.

Operating System Image

This is the full path to the operating system image, and only needs to be specified if a custom image is being installed.


After leaving the editor with F10 (save and quit), the syntax of the config file is checked. Should it contain errors, you will be returned to the editor.

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Hetzner Rescue Install Windows

If you see this output after 1-5 minutes (depends on the image and partitioning used), the system is ready and bootable.

The root password is set to the current password of the Rescue System.

After a 'reboot' in the Rescue System

the newly installed system is booted and you can login with the previous Rescue System password.

Hetzner installing windows


When installing Debian or Ubuntu using the installimage script, the times for the cronjob in /etc/cron.d/mdadm are set randomly.

Installing Windows 10 From Usb

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I create partitions larger than 2 TiB?

The creation of partitions larger than 2TiB is only possible with a GUID Partition table (GPT). Thus only operating systems which include GRUB2 that supports booting from GPT drives can be installed

The installation script shows one or more errors. What should I do?

Re-run the installation. Should you get the same error again, please send the complete screen output and the contents of the file /root/debug.txt to support@hetzner.de.

Do I have to put 'all' at the end of the partition table or can I put this line further at the top?

The size 'all' in the config file means use the rest of the available space on the drive. Since partitions are created one after another, the partition table will end after using 'all' because there will be no space available afterwards. Of course, it is also possible not to use 'all' at all.

Pressing F10 does not work. Instead '~21' (or something similar) is displayed.

Press Escape and then '0'. In most cases this has the same effect as F10.

Who is the author of the script? Can I use it freely?

The scripts were written by developers of Hetzner Online GmbH and are maintained and extended by them. The scripts are written in bash and are available in the rescue system. They can be used and modified freely. Hetzner Online GmbH assumes no liability for any damage caused by changing the scripts and excludes any support for guides that include changes to the script.

What is the MySQL Root password when LAMP has been installed?

The MySQL Root password on a LAMP Image can be found in the /password.txt file. The elder scrolls iv oblivion.

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Von „https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Installimage/en“
Kategorien: Language templatesDedizierte ServerDedi-InstallationBetriebssystemeImageFAQ

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